Traineroo Talent Development is a value network of learning designers and training professionals. Founded by Jeroen van der Schenk with the main purpose to facilitate people, teams and organisations in unlocking their potential. By bringing more relevance and continuity in the development of talents and teams.
Looking for a training, workshop or (cultural) change program in your organization? At Traineroo, a training is never just a training. We facilitate an inspiring online and physical learning environment in which participants connect, reflect and grow. In both skills and behavior. Whether it is an in-company training, open training or tailor-made program: together we determine the most optimal “learning journey” to achieve your (learning) objectives!
We believe that multiple “touch points” in the learning process will contribute to a better result. That is why at Traineroo all training courses are “blended”. In addition to face-to-face contact moments (a training, workshop or coaching conversation), part of the learning path takes place online. Via e-learning, video coaching and / or virtual classrooms.
On-the-job coaching and team coaching are highly effective solutions. However, this is not a scalable solution for lasting change and team development. That is why we help people from your organization in developing their their training and coaching skills. By doing so, you will optimize the effect of training. And they will grow in their leadership skills as well and structurally get more return on your investments in training courses, workshops and team meetings!
As with any investment: you want to get the best possible return on your investment. Achieving optimal results from training & personal development requires intensive cooperation between you as the client, the participant(s) and your Traineroo trainer. Especially when the learning objectives require a behavioural change!
Traineroo Talent Development is a value network of learning designers and training professionals. Founded by Jeroen van der Schenk with the main purpose to facilitate people, teams and organisations in unlocking their potential. By bringing more relevance and continuity in the development of talents and teams.
Jeroen van der Schenk - Master Trainer at Traineroo Talent Development
Looking for a training, workshop or cultural change in your organization? At Traineroo, a training is never just a training. We facilitate an inspiring online and physical learning environment in which participants connect, reflect and grow. In both skills and behavior. Whether it is an in-company training, open training or tailor-made program: together we determine the most optimal “learning journey” to achieve your (learning) objectives!
Traineroo Mock-up copy
As with any investment: you want to get the best possible return on your investment. Achieving optimal results from training & personal development requires intensive cooperation between you as the client, the participant(s) and your Traineroo trainer. Especially when the learning objectives require a behavioural change!
We believe that multiple “touch points” in the learning process will contribute to a better result. That is why at Traineroo all training courses are “blended”. In addition to face-to-face contact moments (a training, workshop or coaching conversation), part of the learning path takes place online. Via e-learning, video coaching and / or virtual classrooms.
Train-the-Trainer for Operations -
Follow-up and coaching remains one of the most important factors for success. We can make this happen by on-the-job coaching and team coaching. However, this is not a scalable solution for lasting change and team development. That is why we help people from your organisation in developing their their training and coaching skills. By doing so, you will optimise the effect of training. And they will grow in their leadership skills as well!
Traineroo is a value network of professionals, specialized in training, coaching and learning development. All with their own expertise and driven to make a difference for our customers and participants. Professionals who live our Traineroo Experience DNA. Working with Traineroo means progress and results, guaranteed. Meet #teamtraineroo! Want to learn more about our team members or get in touch with one of our trainers? Click on their profile below for more information and contact options. Or call us on +31 (0)35 – 234 06 60.
Kirsten Lang - Consultant Coach Trainer - Traineroo Talent Development
Kirsten Lang
Senior Strategy Consultant
Fons van den Bemd - Traineroo Vitaliteitsgroep Trainer Coach Leiderschap
Fons van den Bemd
Trainer / Coach
Miriam Tol - Training Traineroo Talent Development 6 Profiel
Miriam Tol
Trainer / Coach
Daimen van der Schenk - Marketing & Communicatie
Daimen van der Schenk
Marketing & Communications
Maaike van Es - Haperen
Maaike van Es - Haperen
Jeroen van der Schenk | Senior Trainer - Founder of Traineroo Talent Development
Jeroen van der Schenk
Master Trainer - Founder
Nino Jacobs
Master Trainer - Leadership
Firmin Celestin Kokora - Traineroo Talent Development
Firmin Celestin Kokora
Customer Experience Trainer
Marjan de Jong - Traineroo Trainer Coach Consultant
Marjan de Jong
Trainer / Coach
Markus Rüben-Dumeier -
Markus Rüben-Dumeier
Trainer / Coach
Aseem Kapoor - ARK People Solutions Traineroo 1
Aseem Kapoor
Chief HR ARK-itect
Harriett Langley - Traineroo
Harriett Langley
Value Network Manager
Erica van Ommen - Traineroo
Erica van Ommen
Trainer / Coach
Rozemarijn van der Post - Traineroo Learning Development
Rozemarijn van der Post
Learning Development Manager
Ruben Willems - Traineroo Training Coaching
Ruben Willems
Design Sprint Facilitator
Mihaly Laszlo - Sales Trainer
Mihaly Laszlo
Senior Trainer / Coach
Marieke de Witte - Sales Trainer
Marieke de Witte
Senior Trainer / Coach
Juan Campoo - Trainer Traineroo
Juan Campoo
Senior Trainer / Coach
Willem van Rijswijk - Traineroo
Willem van Rijswijk
Trainer / Coach

Walk the talk, practice what you preach. Making up some cheesy core values, put them on the website and you’re done? Not at Traineroo! We have created our own Traineroo ‘experience DNA’. Based on our purpose (reason for being), we have determined our desired customer- and participant experience. How do we want you to experience working with us? Then, with the desired experience as a starting point, we described the optimal behaviour of our Traineroo team members. This behaviour is decisive in everything we do. And finally behind the scenes: our stimulating working climate and empowering leadership. The foundation of bringing our experience DNA to life!

Click on the DNA below for a larger image view or scroll down to read more about what you will experience when partnering up with Traineroo!

Traineroo Expoerience Blueprint - StartReverse
Traineroo Brand Experience - I AM INSPIRED compressed
Working with Traineroo means working with experienced trainers. Of course. You’ll pay for that too. But that’s not all. Inspiration is an important part of the learning process. Nobody wants to listen to a boring explanation of even more boring models, right? After all, you can simply find that knowledge on the internet. Or through one of our e-learning modules. Working with Traineroo means working with idiosyncratic and driven professionals. Personalities. A little bit crazy. Sharp as a knife. A little bit different. But always with tons of experience and dedicated to making the difference in the development of our participants and clients.
Traineroo Brand Experience - I FEEL GUIDED compressed
Learning and personal development is a continuous process. Participating in training is often inspiring. You’ll learn new skills, gain knowledge and exchange experiences with other participants. And then … the intention is that you will apply what you have learned in practice. And that is quite a challenge. The real change is behavioral change. You’ll need more than just a training to make that happen. That is why a training at Traineroo is always more than just a training. Let us help you to design the most effective learning journey to reach your goals! You can count on us to encourage you in every step you take.
Traineroo Brand Experience - I AM AWARE compressed
Change starts with awareness. At Traineroo we will help you to become (even more) aware of your own behavior and behavioral patterns. No sweet talking for us! We’re more into savory and spicy. Reflecting on behavior is our core activity. If what you say is different from what you do, we will tell you. As a participant and as a client. You may like it. Or not. If not, don’t worry. There are plenty of alternatives. Are you open to be challenged? Then we are happy to help you with your personal development or the development of your team!
Traineroo Brand Experience - I AM PROUD compressed
Far too often we just accept our victories and move on. Working on your personal development, learning and experiencing real growth… That’s worth a celebration! Just like completing your first marathon. And whether you have set a world record or are last to cross the finish line: you can be proud of every single step you have taken. And because we also like a good party, we are happy to celebrate it with you!
Curious about what we can do for you, your team or organization? Well, we are also curious about your challenge(s). Click on the contact button below and send us a message. We would be delighted to have a (virtual or live) chat with you!
Pui Ho - Trainer Tortilla Mexican Grill
Pui Ho
Le Pain Quotidien
Head of Training UK & Ireland

Love the style! As a trainer, it’s always great to watch fellow trainers work. I felt energized and inspired in the two days I spent with their trainer Jeroen van der Schenk and, to prove you can still teach old dogs tricks, I learned a few tips from him!

Mark Kirby - Emaar Hospitality - Address Hotels Downtown Dubai
Mark Kirby
The Address Hotels Dubai
Area General Manager

I first met Jeroen whilst working on a new project for The Address Hotels Cluster. As a consultant trainer and expert in structural change into a new NXT Level innovative culture, Jeroen was heading up the leadership training. He is extremely professional in training and has an ability to connect emotionally with his delegates. His humbleness and ability to be so open about his own experiences and stretches, enabled an immediate buy in with the leaders. He trains with clear examples and solid experiences from the field which is up to date and relevant. He is not afraid to highlight any challenges ensuring that everyone is at the same pace. Over the COVID-19 lock-down he continued an online 8-week training program, keeping our hotels to remain connected, keeping alive the work and mindset shift pre COVID. I would have no challenge in recommending him to other companies and organisations and would love to continue to work with him in the future – a true gentleman.

Jan Doove - Directeur Doove Care Groep
Jan Doove
Doove Care Groep
CEO / Owner

At Doove Care Group we have the ambition to grow in leadership with our management team. As a manager in a growing organisation, you will be in charge of increasingly large teams and you will have to develop skills to deal with that. The board and management of Doove Care Group have been working with Erik van Straaten and Nino Jacobs for several years now. And for good reasons. Erik and Nino immersed themselves in our organisation, but also in our people. They quickly get to know your team and understand the challenges that needs to be worked on. Several times a year, Erik and Nino coach our team through the pitfalls of growing organisations. How do you get your team on board in changes? How do you deal with resistance? But also soft skills of leadership are extensively discussed and there is a lot of attention for mutual relationships in the team. The positive effect of development in leadership and team dynamics we are experiencing is extremely important. Erik and Nino facilitate, direct and organise based on their vision of leadership development. Always in consultation with the management, making it a truly tailor-made solution for our company.

Yvonne Stas - HR Manager SMART Photonics
Yvonne Stas
SMART Photonics
HR Manager

The vitality workshop “Healthy Work Pressure” has given us a better understanding of work stress and the importance of mindset in it. What do you find important and how do you react to situations? When you feel good about yourself as a person, have made good (work) choices and have a positive mindset, you will experience less work stress. In addition, it was very connecting to do this workshop together because we’ve got to know each other better on sensitive topics. This contributed to more understanding for each other!

Lydia Kers - Traineroo
Lydia Kers
Fletcher Hotels
Front Office Manager

Jeroen Bosman is an inspiring personality! Spontaneous, full of energy and present in a very positive way. He speaks a huge number of languages, is knowledgeable and ambitious with an eye for detail. Even in difficult situations, he maintains calm with a nice sense of humor. Jeroen is able to have a positive effect on the team and organisation with his methods and attitude!

Ralf Reuken - Algemeen Directeur Traffic Service Nederland
Ralf Reuken
Traffic Service Nederland
CEO / Managing Director

Together with Jeroen we mapped the Culture DNA of Traffic Service The Netherlands. Thanks to Jeroen’s connecting behaviour, we managed to define our identity within a short period of time. With commitment of all team members! Jeroen has been inspiring, confronting, but above all indispensable to us. #veryhappywiththeresult

Francesco Monaco - Apollo Hotels
Francesco Monaco
Apollo Hotels
Managing Director

We invited Jeroen van der Schenk to lecture at our annual commercial day. The idea was to give our team more insight into the changing ways of (online) communication with our guests. It turned out to be an exceptional, dynamic, and fun session. The professionalism and pleasant approach literally lifted our day: The Sky was certainly The Limit!

Jan Bon - Ford Academy
Jan Bon
Ford Motor Company
Manager Ford Academy

Jeroen van der Schenk has provided various training, coaching and presentation sessions for the Ford Academy. This has laid the foundation for awareness of the digital world in our organisation. They can motivate people like no other in an infectious way, both in groups and individually. A pleasant and reliable partner to work with.

Vas Morriën
SIXT Rent-a-Car
Sr. Executive Manager Performance & Skills

Jeroen has a unique way of capturing and engaging small and bigger groups. Also, I like the way he uses his own experience in relation to the content/topic, this makes people relate and remember in a better way. That same experience also makes sure he has a solution or best practice for everything. Jeroen van der Schenk is a one-in-a-million guy, with a great view on customer/guest experience. His universal character fits many (company) cultures.

Jerome Vandermeulen - Founder of Manhattn's
Jerome Vandermeulen
CEO / Founder

Jeroen puts his passion into every single training or workshop. And fundamentally understand the importance of customer-centricity and caring more about the details. The trainings are simply profound and challenges the hospitality DNA of every participant, because of his longstanding expertise in this field. Keep up the great work!

Joost Serrarens - The Student Hotel - Kirsten Lang Traineroo Training Coaching Consultancy
Joost Serrarens
The Student Hotel

Since 2014, Kirsten has been involved in a wide range of strategic projects (IT, HR, Operational, Quality, etc.) during the start-up and upscaling phase of The Student Hotels. I’ve had the pleasure of working with her on most of them. Successful project management is a combination of hard and soft skills. Delivery of the project, on schedule, on budget and the ability to deliver a positive experience to the team around you. Kirsten is a master at managing that combination and always delivers! Very passionate, motivated and focused.

Mark Struik - Postillion Hotels - Kirsten Lang Traineroo Training Coaching Consultancy
Mark Struik
Postillion Hotels
Commercial Director

Kirsten Lang is very professional and has extensive relevant expertise. Both in terms of content and project management. She gave me the confidence that the project was in good hands with her. Kirsten made sure that everyone fulfilled his / her tasks, regardless of their position inside or outside the organisation. I also greatly appreciated her critical opinion. She often held up a mirror to the organisation (and me) which prevented us from settling for just 80%. At the same time, Kirsten coped well with decisions that may not have been her immediate preference. All in all, it became a very successful project, both in terms of technical implementation and on the process side (and within budget). Big compliment and I can highly recommend Kirsten as a business partner!

Monika Sand - Lindner Hotels Resorts - Kirsten Lang Traineroo Training Coaching Consultancy
Monika Sand
Lindner Hotels & Resorts
Corporate Revenue Manager

At Lindner Hotels Group, we have had the pleasure of working with Kirsten Lang as our trainer for Revenue Management training courses. We have experienced Kirsten as a very professional trainer, who, thanks to her broad experience, helped improve our training sessions during the preparation. Thanks to her knowledge and motivation, Kirsten provides valuable insights. Her passion for Revenue Management is contagious! We would love to work with Kirsten again in the future.

Felix Hillen - The Student Hotel - Kirsten Lang Traineroo Training Coaching Consultancy
Felix Hillen
The Student Hotel
Managing Director

What a pleasure it is to work with Kirsten! Whether it is the implementation of new information systems across the company, setting up a training program or organising hotel opening teams, Kirsten gets things done. She managed complex projects in our highly dynamic setting, guarding milestones, budgets and quality. And all in a relaxed and fun way, creating buy-in from all involved. Can’t wait for a next project!!

Rick Dieteren - Van der Valk Hotels - Kirsten Lang Traineroo Training Coaching Consultancy
Rick Dieteren
Van der Valk Hotels
Revenue Coördinator

Kirsten Lang provided us with a very targeted revenue management training. We gained a lot of knowledge from a real pro! We have been given many goals to get started with revenue management in the coming year and to broaden and improve the revenue strategy within Hotel Heerlen in a very professional way.

Yentl Syoen - Umamido - Train-the-Trainer at
Yentl Syoen
Umamido Ghent
Lead Manager

Learned a lot during the 2-day Train-the-Trainer training we had. nows how to get the best out of people and helps you how to train a group of people, keep their interest (and how to make them quiet 😁). Had to step out of my comfortzone for, this but I’m proud that I did! Useful skills I can use everyday at my job. Looking forward for the next ones. Thank you Jeroen!

Jerry van Vorstenbos - Retail Manager at Levi's / Gebrs. Coster
Jerry van Vorstenbos
Retail Manager

Brandy Lena Verweij
Brandy Lena Verweij
The Social Hub
Community Host

Over a 3-day Train the Trainer program, I had the pleasure of being trained by Jeroen van der Schenk! This was one of the best training experiences I have had in a long time. I was fully engaged throughout the process through the captivating works of Jeroen and his team! His leadership, attentiveness, charisma and humour made all the activities interesting, digestible and enjoyable, and I now have the necessary skills to be a Trainer. Thank you for inspiring me, Jeroen!

Maria Munoz - Learning & Development Manager at The Social Hub
María Muñoz
The Social Hub
Learning & Development Manager

Tabea Zappe - HRS
Tabea Zappe
HRS Group
Senior Manager Learning, Development & Culture

Training - Traineroo Instagram 1 Weblog
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Traineroo - Jeroen van der Schenk
Training - Traineroo Instagram 3
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