Working with Miriam Tol guarantees a lot of enthusiasm and ‘hands-on’ mindset. It makes sense, because on top of her passion for facilitating training courses and guiding teams, Miriam has been co-owner of an ultra-modern dairy farm for over 20 years. She is used to getting things done. To say it like it is. Dutch directness. If you talk a lot without saying anything, Miriam will tell you. So please, leave your “management bingo” words at home and get to the point!

From her background in corporate finance, Miriam knows a lot about strategy and business plans. And about how to translate them to realistic objectives. Clean and pragmatic. That is why Miriam is also strong in translating strategic issues to execution level. Miriam is committed to (task) clarity and job satisfaction, both on-the-job and within a management team.

And another nice bonus: Miriam likes to invite you and your team to her dairy farm in Zeewolde (The Netherlands) for your training or workshop. Literally with your feet in the shit! Would you like to meet Miriam? Click here to send her a message.


Do you want to get in touch with Miriam? You can send a message directly using the form below. She will get back to you soon!

It is only the farmer who faithfully plants seeds in the spring, who reaps a harvest in the autumn…


Miriam Tol helps organisations translate strategy and objectives into concrete actions. From her experience, Miriam regularly shares articles on relevant topics. Often based on own experiences. Do you want to stay informed about new publications from Miriam Tol and the other #TeamTraineroo authors? Sign up for our monthly Traineroo Update!

Leadership Culture Development Trust - Traineroo small
A Culture of Trust

We have known all along that to get any semblance of a culture going within an organization, the first and foremost requirement is to create a Culture of Trust. Nothing more can provide a base as strong as trust for any company culture to grow and prosper. Why? Because apart from the thousands of researches which have demonstrated this, human nature is it’s biggest supporter…

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How do you remember participant names in a training?

As a trainer you meet new people every day. Connecting with participants is a fundamental part of the learning process. Using a name when addressing someone contributes to their sense of connection and involvement. But when you see so many people passing by, how do you remember all those names?

Webinar | From Software Implementation to Behavioural Change

When you want to work more efficiently, automation is key. The urgency to implement new software solutions has been given a huge boost by COVID-19. One of the most underestimated parts of a successful software implementation is the facilitation of behavioural change. And in most cases even a cultural change.

Miriam Tol - Training Traineroo Talent Development 4
Miriam Tol - Training Traineroo Talent Development 3
Miriam Tol - Training Traineroo Talent Development 5
Miriam Tol - Training Traineroo Talent Development 2
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