In-company Training Programs

About In-company Training Programs

Are you looking for an inspiring training for your team? We are happy to design a learning journey that suits your learning goals. From a customer experience training to a sales training. And from an interactive team building session to intensive leadership development programs. An in-company training is based on an existing training that is facilitated in your organisation. With participants from only your organisation. The benefit of this is that the trainer can take a deep-dive into situations that apply to the situation in your company. If you have more than 5 participants to participate in a training, it is also financially more interesting to book an in-company training!

With every in-company training, we conduct an intake interview with you as a client. During this meeting we’ll discuss your learning objectives. And we’ll decide whether the training should be semi-customised to meet your learning objectives. You will receive a proposal from us in which we clearly explain what we are going to do and how this contributes to your learning objectives. We also share a detailed overview of the costs.

After completing the in-company training and/or learning journey, we will evaluate the training and the results. With both the participants and you! We guarantee that the participants will rate our training with at least an 8 out of 10.

Curious about our most popular training courses related to customer experience & service, leadership development and personal effectiveness? We have listed them for you below. Based on the number of participants over the past year and their reviews of the training based on relevance and practical applicability. Are you looking for training and in need for some inspiration? Feel free to contact us, we’re looking forward to design the most optimal learning journey meeting your objectives!
Would you like to learn more about our in-company training solutions? We are happy to discuss our solutions with you during a live meeting or conference call. Click on the contact button below and send us a message. We will reach out to you within 8 hours!
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