Sometimes it’s really hard to find a training program that exactly matches your objectives and learning goals. Development of a ‘Tailor-made Training Program‘ might be a good solution! Expensive? Well, with over 100 years of training experience in #TeamTraineroo we covered a lot of topics. We won’t charge you for something that is already there! Based on our experience with the development of tailor-made programs we can say that only about 5% – 20% of a tailor-made program actually needs to be custom designed. The first step is to formulate your learning objectives and the desired participant experience. Based on this, we will start creating the most effective learning journey. We are working with the best learning designers, knowing everything about developing effective training programs. When possible, we use (parts of) existing content. You will receive a proposal from us in which we clearly explain what we are going to do and how this contributes to your learning objectives. We also make an overview of the investment involved. At Traineroo, we only surprise our customers and participants on delivering awesome session. No financial surprises, ever!
After the execution of your tailor-made training program (and any additional parts from the learning journey) we’ll evaluate. With both participants and you! We guarantee an average rating of at least an 8 out of 10.