Experiencing challenges in the team? Then Team Coaching might be (part of the) solution! With Team Coaching we enter into a conversation with the team. We determine the desired situation together. Who do we want to be? How do we want to be perceived by other teams and/or customers? How do we like to work together? How do we want to communicate with each other? From our experience with Team Coaching, we know that teams very easily agrees on themes like common behavior and goals. With this as a starting point, we discuss the current situation to get a clear picture on the gap between the desired and current situation. During team coaching sessions we apply ‘experience based learning’ exercises to (help them) reflect on behavior.
Team Coaching always comes with a team plan and agreement on behavior. When needed, we can also follow up on the team plan and behaviors through on-the-job coaching. Team Coaching can be easily combined with a DISC profile of the team. DISC provides insight into individual preferred behavior and helps the team to communicate more efficiently with each other.