About the Intervision Method
The Intervision Method is a form of knowledge development in a small group of leaders and/or employees who share a common challenge or problem. They can consult the expertise of others to help them gain valuable new insights. The ideal group consists of about five to eight participants. Together they dissect a problem that has been introduced by a participant or so-called ‘case provider’. They do so by asking questions using the Intervision method.
A frequently used statement by our founder Jeroen van der Schenk is: “Everybody’s an expert to someone!”. Asking open questions is a crucial part of the intervision method. As well as active listening. Because people tend to throw in solutions when a challenge is shared, we recommend to have intervision sessions facilitated by an external expert. An important advantage of intervision is the broad involvement in the solution of a problem or challenge! Do you have an (organizational) issue and do you want to know whether an intervision can contribute to solving it? We’re happy to assist, feel free to contact us!